Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Of things appreciated and remembered; Montreal

It has been 15 months since Angie and I re-vitalized our marriage. It has been without qualification one of the best periods of our life together. For those who are yet to travel a long journey with a loving partner, please allow us to offer this:

Yes it does get better. But it does not get better on its own; it requires a degree of sublimation of one's own self interest to enable the rising arc of loving passion. All relationships crest and ebb at times, and in periods. The secret is to chase the new crest and ride it with a dedication to each other. And if the relationship should reach a grey limbo, then the chivalrous man who acts to put his woman on that pedestal of respect and adoration will see his efforts rewarded, yes, ten fold, and the relationship blossom again like the first days of their Springtime. For the truth is, that is the heart of what women want from men.

It is also time to pay our retrospective kudos to beautiful Montreal and Quebec, and the beautiful people we met there. It was a vacation visit for the two of us as my gift to Angie in July of 2006, and part of the beginning of this journey were are on now. We will go back, and relive the first memories, and create new ones.


My Fiancee is Hot © said...

I love Montreal. Beautiful place. Have been there a few times. It's just different in a good way.

Thx for the advice on marriage. Will keep it in mind.

I hope u have a great time

My Fiancee is Hot © said...

Its done you are on my favourites list. I am glad u like my blod. U can call me Matrix Zea's keeper ;)

Visit us soon.
