We have gone back and edited the Feedback post of 9/3 to prototype a concept for including video media.
We hope to post original material some day to augment the text of our diary, but in the absence of that there may be available alternatives, if we can put up with the commercial rubbish that surrounds the material.
Anyway, we added a link to play an old chestnut.
Please tell us if you think the concept has merit or not.
- Alex
Wednesday, September 5, 2007
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That sounds like a great idea, and I can't wait to see what you guys come up with.
I will be heading to Corsica with Zea for the weekend. I added a few posts. Am not sure if you have checked hem out. Feel free to visit :)
Take care and have a good one.
Last time I wrote a comment I did something wrong and it got deleted. Wrote a really long one too . . . This comment is really more about your Sept 3rd post, which I thought was typically great.
Work is overrated don't you think? You can see that VSK and I really struggle to get two entries out per week. Me, because I suffer from brain cramps of various nature (mostly work related) and she because she thinks she has to have a big idea in order to publish. She's also a believer of not laying all your cards on the table so she just settles for being an exhibitionist. And this is about her fourth favorite identity, behind mother, wife, worker I'd say. It sure is nice when she puts on her nekkid identity though.
As for your idea I haven't been able to download yet because of, you guessed it, work.
Thanks for coming back to us guys.
We hope you and Z have a great time in Corsica MK.
VSKW, Eve has the same thing going as VSK....thinking that she has to have a really big event happen in order to have something to post. I've been pushing her to write more. Her earlier posts actually got me hot reading them. And that is after she had already been telling me this stuff in bed during nookie time.
If Lexicon does explore more sophisticated photo and video montage techniques to augment the text of a (true) story, I could not claim originality. if you check out one of our favorite blogs: Let's Talk About Sex Baby, you'll see they have already progressed to posting home videos. Some are QUITE explicit, and hot.
Our goals would be to tell a story, so the emphasis would be on imagery, effects, and music, and less focus on the "in and out" action, but we would still make it adult oriented and bring some heat to the creation.
One issue I have is that to post video and music you have to go through those others services that store your media. And, unfortunately, the reader winds up clicking away from the blog to listen or view your media on some other site. For me, that breaks up the continuity and multi-sensual goal I have. so unitl Blogger comes up with a way of banking our media, an dallwoign a blog reader access it directly while still on the blog page....the results will be less than desired.
But we'll see.
I'm trying to get Eve to come around to doing videos....tough slog right now.
On another but related vein, BD of Cuckold Husband suggested we write a script for the story of a Hot Wife/Cuckold couple.
And I am giving it serious thought.
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