“My name is Joanne Cole… ”
“…..I thought about having sex with a lot of guys, a lot of different ways….with judges, lawyers and doctors. And I thought about sex with a beautiful woman, and couples, and you know, sex all the time. I just couldn’t stop thinking about it.”
“David……..he liked to watch, that’s what really turned him on. That was the secret. Watching me have sex with other men. Doing every nasty thing with them. He loved it all. That’s how it all got started.”The Hotwife/Cuckolding phenomena may or may not be coming on as a more accepted lifestyle in some societies today, but from the number of readers this blog and others like it entertain from all over North America, Europe and the Pacific countries, it is certainly of high interest to a lot of people. There are probably far more wannabes and fantasizers than practitioners but that is understandable, given the nature of the Hotwife/Cuckolding lifestyle, contravening societal norms, and risks.
It was suggested to us not too long ago by BDenied, who authors the blog Cuckold Husband, that interest is probably high enough to justify an erotic film or HBO series on the titillating subject. Some thought was given by this author to penning a story line that might have viability as a screen play. It would be fun, because it’s something of interest to Angie and me. However, we’ve learned since then that it has already been done, but more on that in a minute.
“…..I thought about having sex with a lot of guys, a lot of different ways….with judges, lawyers and doctors. And I thought about sex with a beautiful woman, and couples, and you know, sex all the time. I just couldn’t stop thinking about it.”
“David……..he liked to watch, that’s what really turned him on. That was the secret. Watching me have sex with other men. Doing every nasty thing with them. He loved it all. That’s how it all got started.”The Hotwife/Cuckolding phenomena may or may not be coming on as a more accepted lifestyle in some societies today, but from the number of readers this blog and others like it entertain from all over North America, Europe and the Pacific countries, it is certainly of high interest to a lot of people. There are probably far more wannabes and fantasizers than practitioners but that is understandable, given the nature of the Hotwife/Cuckolding lifestyle, contravening societal norms, and risks.
It was suggested to us not too long ago by BDenied, who authors the blog Cuckold Husband, that interest is probably high enough to justify an erotic film or HBO series on the titillating subject. Some thought was given by this author to penning a story line that might have viability as a screen play. It would be fun, because it’s something of interest to Angie and me. However, we’ve learned since then that it has already been done, but more on that in a minute.
Now the distinction has to made that a story on the Hotwife/Cuckold lifestyle is necessarily quite separate from a story on marital infidelity, and to a degree, the swinger lifestyle, though the Hotwife/Cuckold story line might progress out of either those two starting points. From what we know, it can happen, and has happened, that way in real life for some people. Further distinction must also be drawn between an erotic movie that actually has a plot line, realistic dialogue, and solid acting, which presents the visual sexuality of a Hotwife/Cuckold story in an artistic manner, as opposed to a straight porn flick that eschews all of that in favor of purely human mechanics. If you are like us, the triple X feature may drive you to a frenzy in the first ten minutes, but probably leaves you desensitized once you’ve played along. The idea is more toward soft porn that slowly builds the fire down below.
Infidelity has been done to death; the most recent and notable films that come to mind are the 1999 release of Stanley Kubrick’s Eyes Wide Shut with Tom Cruise and Nicole Kidman, and the 2002 release of Unfaithful with Diane Lane and Richard Gear. The latter was directed by Adrian Lyne and based upon the screen play by Alvin Sargent, and original French film "La Femme Infidèle" by Claude Chabrol.
The most notable swinger movie that comes to mind was Bob & Carol & Ted & Alice. It starred Robert Culp & Natalie Wood, Elliot Gould & Dyan Cannon (who was a 9.0 on a scale of 10 on most peoples’ scale of beauty and sexuality). Directed by Paul Mazursky, it was released in 1970 at a time when the whole swinger thing came out of the closet as the first wave of baby boomers hit full adulthood. The movie wasn’t intended to take itself too seriously. So it was appropriately written and directed as a comedy/drama, without the level of nudity and graphic display of humans in heat that we have come to expect in adult themed movies these days.
Today we’ve have the Hotwife/Cuckold genre, and neither may be your current lifestyle, but the fact your reading this says you are at least…..curious. Maybe you want to experience one or both lifestyles vicariously because you can not actually carry it through for any number of good reasons. And maybe you want to compare notes with your own actual experiences. The facets of the experience are varied: the thrill of the exhibitionist, the vicarious pleasure of the voyeur, the hedonism of the cuckoldress, the dominance of the “bull”, or submission of the cuckold. And there is a flick out there waiting for you.
Have you ever seen Animal Instincts?
Released in 1992 as a soft core porn flick, it was written by Jon Robert Samsel and Georges des Esseintes, and directed by Gregory Dark. It starred some recognizable actors including David Carradine, Jan Michael Vincent, John Saxon; and busted out (no pun, really) Shannon Whirry. There might be an interesting factoid or two here in that it also starred Mitch Gaylord in a bit role. If he is who we think he is, then he is the second former US Olympian gymnast to go into film. The other guy was Kurt Thomas, and he made a horrendous career move doing a 1985 movie called Gymkata (as James Bond-kung-fu-master-of-incredible-splits-and-dismounts).
Anyway, Animal Instincts is a B movie but the direction and story line are passable. But you also get the visual goods. Let me tell you… Shannon Whirry is an eleven. The more graphic scenes, though not as explicit as a true XXX porn flick, are actually quite erotic, and there is enough womanly and manly eye candy, and enthusiastic fooling around, to entertain most men and women viewers for that special evening indoors with their SO on a rainy night.It starts out as an Infidelity story but rapidly segues into the Hotwife/Cuckold theme. As the film begins, Joanne Cole (played by Shannon Whirry) is being interviewed, by what we can only assume is a reporter onto a story that has broken to the public. So the story is presented in flashback by way of Joanne’s voice-over narration. She’s newly married to a cop who has been slacking off in the bedroom, and more focused on his job and his need to make more money. She’s been lonely and horny. One day he stumbles upon a fellow cop screwing a prostitute in a jail cell, and likes what he sees. He gets another chance to experience this thrill when he returns home one day unexpectedly and catches Joanne with the cable TV guy. He’s turned on, and she enjoys the exhibitionist experience, so the two hit on a perfect way to solve her sexual needs and his financial needs at the same time. They take out an ad, intending to charge clients to have sex with her while he watches and tapes the trysts. Everyone is satisfied with the arrangement until a strip club manager discovers what they are up to. He is the target of a local politician trying to win election, and tries to force Joanne and her hubby to get damaging footage of the flack “en flagrante delicto” as blackmail.
Here’s the kicker: the movie is based on actual events.
Think back to, oh, maybe 1987-1990. A Miami-Dade detective is caught up in a sting of corrupt local politicians and police, and it is discovered he had the goods on the crooks by virtue of the fact he filmed them fucking his wife, and took notes. Does it ring a bell? The movie’s story line is close to what really went down. If you remember when the news broke on the actual event some stations even carried very brief, if grainy, clips of those trysts from the camera the detective used to film his wife and her paramours. The shit hit the fan, and everybody was canned.
I can say without a doubt the real cuckoldress was not as good looking as Shannon Whirry. Shannon is breathtakingly beautiful and sexy in this movie and I dare anyone, male OR female, to watch her, see her incredibly luscious face and body, her sexuality, and NOT imagine doing her.
Our research indicated the unrated European version of the movie is a better production than the unrated American version, or the subsequent R-rated American version, by far. So that’s what we bought. If you have an interest in obtaining the movie get the Axis Films International production that was released in the Netherlands. Be prepared to pay something north of $50 though. And it has a Regional coding of “2” that means you either have to rip and decrypt it, like we did, or you have to have a newer DVD player that is “Region Free”. Read your DVD owner’s manual.
On the basis of the first installment’s success, the studio came out with Animal Instincts II. If you’ve seen it, give us some feedback. We may want to expand our library. Angie and I are pursuing our own Animal Instincts.
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