Monday, January 14, 2008

Creampies & Shared Wives

We received a couple of correspondences this month that bear some attention. Angie and I appreciate serious and thoughtful dialogue on matters salient to the subjects of our blog.

This first part is from one reader who submitted a comment and follow up question to an earlier Lexicon post on creampies. Even though Angie and I don’t maintain Cuckold Lexicion as an advisory column we are happy to offer our perspectives and experiences from the processes of our own dynamic. My answer posted here expands on the content of my original reply to the comments/question made by the reader "Anonymous." I hope there is something of value here.

Comment and question from Anonymous:
I have often had the fantasy of eating my wife after sex and we have recently began playing with a dildo shaped vibrator. I expected my wife to object at first because she plays it so straight but the vibrator has become a regular part of our play and she expects it. I also know she fantasizes that it is another penis and that I enjoy sucking it while using it to stimulate her while I suck her clit. Though I often fantasize doing the cream pie, when I cum all my energy is lost. How do I introduce the topic so she invites me to lick her after I cum so I don't have to depend on my own failing energy to make the experience happen?

You've already introduced the dildo into your bedroom activities with your wife, and she apparently hasn't objected. Licking her while using the vibrator is a great idea because you are stimulating her in multiple ways. I don't think there is a woman on the planet who would complain about that.

Flagging sexual arousal after orgasm is common to many men, and something women complain about. A vibrator goes a long way to remedying that condition. But I think it is best to repeatedly alternate intercourse with cunnilingus BEFORE you orgasm, while you still have that pent up energy. Love making should really be about YOUR WIFE'S PLEASURE. If you can commit to your wife’s total pleasure during sex, at the price of withholding your own orgasm, and telling her this is what you want to do for her, you might be surprised at what this accomplishes mentally for the both of you. You don’t need to ask her to invite you to eat her after you cum. Just do it as a continuation of what you have already started. You can gently ask her how she is feeling during cunnilingus, when she is at maximum arousal, and how she feels about you eating her “lover” after you cum. Don’t underestimate the power of the spoken word to create a fantasy moment and heightened arousal at this juncture. She will make the connection. The reciprocal of this, I bet, is that you will be turned on by her arousal, even if you have already achieved your orgasm.

It is a big step to move to the real deal, if that is where you are headed with this fantasy, and I don’t believe it is something to be broached without enough investment in fantasy exploration, and post coital pillow talk. I think it is important to bear in mind the notion of bringing another man into your marital equation should NOT be in terms of your own fantasy, but in terms of your wife’s fantasies and possible deeper desires to explore her sexuality. In my opinion many more women have stronger “moral governors” about this kind of thing than men, and are more careful to ask themselves the question “what would that do to my marriage?” Take the time to get her comfortable with talking about things previously held as taboo, and becoming willing to fantasize about it first. And I am talking about possibly weeks and months of gradually opening up this dialogue.

Broaching this kind of dialogue should not be brought up as direct "yes" or "no" questions. You can revisit the subject as fantasy during sex if you find your wife is receptive. If the suggestion is postured in terms of your enjoyment at seeing your wife's liberation to enjoy as much pleasure as she is willing to explore, you might find her quite receptive. It is also important for me to say that this process can not be about manipulating your wife. She is going to see through you, as all wives can see through their husbands. So be honest to the fact any fantasy of yours is only as good as it is a fantasy for her too. Then, over time you might be able to move on to discussing the next step. Good luck!

The second correspondence was from a reader named Brian, who offered a personal experience that we share here with his permission:

Hi Alex,
Just found your blog and enjoyed reading some of it very much. I have lived my life dreaming about my wife with other men every night falling asleep with various fantasy scenarios in my head. But it did happen once, when we were living in Singapore and I will attach the story of how it unfolded. Although older now, we make love frequently and relive the time my wife took her lover, albeit for just a short time. After her first orgasm,( she cums very easily ) she will always invoke 'the other man' on top of her and the feeling of his big cock inside her. Although years have passed I still long for a situation to arise when she can again meet a man and who can appreciate the sheer sexuality she exudes.”

My wife was a 19 year old virgin when I met her and our sex life together has been as good as any I’m aware of. But following an incident very early in our marriage when an ex boyfriend called at home when I was at work and propositioned my wife for sex , and although I believe nothing happened, I realized that instead of feeling angry, I was increasingly aroused as my wife told me of his pleading for sex with her. Thus my desire for her to have sex with another man was kindled from very early in our marriage and I introduced it during our foreplay/lovemaking from those early days, way back then.

The problem , if I can call it that, is that I haven’t been able to resist using this scenario every time we made love…. not that Shirley seemed to mind. My life-long frequent masturbatory sessions always encompass fantasies of my wife being fucked by another man , and the feelings have only increased with time. As time passed, she willingly accepted my fantasies and introduced the ‘other man’ in our bed with us, and laying on top of her…. often before I raised the topic myself. However for many, the fantasy remains just that. Once in awhile an opportunity arises… and this occurred for us. Names and places are unchanged as it adds to my thrill in the telling.

We were living in Singapore at the time, already having had four very young children close together in age, the eldest only started school when we lived there. Shirley, apart from being very fertile, is a particularly vivacious woman and makes friends extremely easily. Through some other neighboring “expats” we soon got to know, we were introduced to friends of theirs who were crew members of a small cruise ship that called into port regularly. We gradually got to know some of the English officers quite well and had them home for BBQ and drinks on occasion. One of the guys, Tony, was an attractive dark haired fellow, more muscular but probably not quite as tall as myself and a year or two younger than my wife… with a very personable nature... and seemed to stand out from the others. He looked very smart in his crisp white uniform and I noticed that Shirley was becoming more and more “attentive” to him whenever we were in his company.

A week or so later, one of the expat wives, Diane, confided in Shirley that she had enjoyed sex with Tony before they met us…. …with or without her husband’s knowledge I’m not sure. The last time she had seen Tony he had told her that he “would love to fuck Shirley”… but that he “didn’t think she would be available”.

Following several drinks during dinner at home one evening Shirley chose to tell me of Tony’s “feelings” for her. My arousal was instantaneous. As I listened to my wife, my brain was immediately “in gear”… thinking ahead how and when we could arrange their get-together…to allow “Tony’s wish” to come true. Trying to introduce a measure of levity, and expressing my own wish for this to happen, I raised the various possibilities with her. She was a little evasive when I asked her point-blank how she felt about allowing Tony to have sex with her but it was obvious to me that she was already “as good as his”….if the right circumstances fell into place.

I looked forward to the next time we would visit “the boys” on board the ship once again and I was certainly aware that Shirley was too. There was a heightened sense of anticipation between us and our lovemaking was electric as I introduced “Tony” to our bed and asked her to imagine him on top of her … guiding his cock between her legs. She orgasmed so strongly as I talked to her in this way, that I was then certain she was more than eager to allow things to progress further. I couldn’t wait for an opportunity to arise that they could be alone together .

We usually went to the ship, every 3 weeks or so, when it was in port for a couple of days and came to enjoy the hospitality and free alcohol that was made available to us well into the wee small hours, when we would head off home …Shirley usually on a nice high after drinking during the evening. Even though we had 4 small children, our “live in” amah was able to mind them when we were away from home and we had plenty of freedom.

Our next visit to the ship occurred 10 days later. As usual, we enjoyed the company and conviviality on the ship. Just after everyone else had headed off home, Shirley, Tony and I remained in one of the comfortably furnished cabins in the officers’ quarters, where a group of us had been drinking. She was sitting at a desk trying to show Tony how to use some office equipment that she was familiar [how to use]. They seemed engrossed together but I was aware that Shirley had had more to drink than usual during the evening, and that this moment was the one I’d been waiting for .

I stood up and shaking Tony’s hand said “Thanks for another wonderful night, I’m going ashore and walk out on the pier for some fresh air …. I’ll go back to the car afterwards….Shirley can come down when you’ve finished . Take your time…there’s absolutely no hurry…”

I’d hoped that sounded inviting enough for them to make the most of the night to enjoy one another in any way they wished. I stepped calmly out of the cabin and onto the deck into the warm tropical darkness, pulling the door shut behind me, my pulse rising rapidly. I stood outside the door for a few moments and shortly heard an unmistakable click at the handle, indicating the door had been locked. Oh yes ! Dreams do come to pass.

Earlier in the evening I had carefully taken note of a rectangular porthole on the outside wall of the cabin …. that was now my goal . Access to the outside of this small window was not easy, requiring some fearlessness of heights and agility to climb over the handrails and around a steel partition onto what appeared to be a small closed off emergency access platform with ladder access going up and down. I headed to the small cabin window, to watch what my wife and Tony were doing together. My heart leapt as looked inside and saw the two of them embracing and passionately kissing. Only a desk light illuminated the cabin but I was able to see Tony clasping my wife close to him as they kissed. Shirley was literally melting against him, their easy embrace giving me a certain feeling that they had already kissed each other this way before, which only increased my arousal. Had she “cheated” on me with Tony before tonight?

Her olive skin looked stunning in the soft light of the cabin and I felt a sense of jealousy…but also an intense excitement on a level I’d never felt before. My heart was pounding as I looked at the face of the mother of my children, her head thrown back … eyes closed, and watched him opening her dress releasing her full breasts and suckling her nipples. A moment later they started kissing again and I watched as he lifted her dress with one hand, which then disappeared up between her legs. Shirley reached down and I could see her pull her panties down to her knees from where Tony then grasped them. Shirley lifted her feet one at a time …then Tony raised her panties to his nose and rubbed them against his face, closing his eyes and savoring the aroma, like a fine wine. That was something I’d never done, and I wondered if women have different aromas.

He tossed the panties onto a desk and placed his hand back up between her thighs. I saw Shirley’s face tighten as she purposefully opened her legs to give him easier access to her genitalia … and then her eyes shut tight and her mouth opened wide in a silent cry, as his fingers reached their mark. The thought of my wife’s sexual juices flowing within her , lubricating her lover’s exploring fingers, was totally intoxicating to me. I had opened my pants and was by now stroking my cock in the warm darkness … but wanting to prolong the sensation I was experiencing. When I looked back through the porthole they had moved away from the light and I could only see them indistinctly, in the shadows at the end of the cabin. They had progressed quickly and it was clear that they were already in the throes of early copulation…Shirley appeared to be mostly naked, her dress bunched around her waist, laying on some cushions on the floor , and Tony seemingly fully naked…was lowering his lean and muscular body down on top of her. They kissed and about 30 seconds later he was rapidly thrusting his lower body between her widespread legs…my wife’s hips thrusting up and down in unison with his. Shirley quickly gets very wet and soft between the legs when she is kissed… and it was obvious Tony entered her very easily. I was in heaven… at last my greatest fantasy was happening !

The light was too dim to tell when Tony climaxed and came inside my wife, but I could tell that he was an experienced lover… allowing Shirley to enjoy a long and intense series of orgasms… in the way I know she is so capable. I pumped myself to the strongest climax I’ve ever experienced, imagining Tony’s hot cum spurting up inside my wife. My own sticky white fluid shot out onto the wall in front of me and I moaned with an ecstasy I’ve seldom ever felt before while masturbating. I was certain that Shirley would have enjoyed several orgasms as she bucked beneath her lover… I know so well how quickly she is able to cum… once she feels a cock slide deep into her body. They remained laying together …embracing on the cushions and kissing, and I couldn’t drag myself away from the window until they started to dress, by which time I felt it best I go and wait in the car.

About half an hour later Shirley appeared out of the semi darkness and opened the car door. She looked remarkably calm, but I had remained in a high state of arousal… wondering how we would “talk” about the evenings events. She wouldn’t have known that I’d actually been able to watch them making love … but I knew that she would almost certainly realize that I would be aware she and Tony had just enjoyed sex together. I still remember how our conversation went….

“How was it “? I tried to say as calmly as I could.

“It’s been wonderful night hasn’t it “ she replied.

“Much better than I’d ever expected… I’m so happy”, I rejoined. I started the engine and drove slowly out of the car park and turned onto the road towards home.

“You know why I’m so happy don’t you” I said.

“Tell me ” she said hesitantly.

“I watched Tony fucking you was beautiful… I was jerking off as I watched you...I was cumming at the same time you were….it was so good!”

“You and your fantasies …well they’ve come true now … I hope you’re happy?”

“I told you am….very, very, very happy! And I think you are too….”

“I thought you’d try to look…I thought I saw something move at the window”

“I saw everything through the porthole” I confided. “You’re very attracted to him aren’t you?"
“ He’s…sexy.…it felt soooo good !”

“Is he bigger than me ? ” I couldn’t help ask the question…

She hesitated… then said “Yes…he felt quite a bit bigger than you..…and thicker!”

I was quite surprised at the candid manner in which she told me this…but also pleased or her. I know that part of the whole fantasy of wanting my wife to have sex with another man, is that she experience a bigger cock than mine… not that I was particularly small at that time.

“Ohhh… I’m hurt… but I’m thrilled at the same time.”

“How many times did you cum?”

“ Lots…four or five…

“ Strong ones..?”


“ Ooooh that’s so good…did he cum inside you”

“He had a condom and was putting it on but I told him I’m on the pill and that I wanted to feel him cum inside me.”

“That’s so good….. I hope you can do it with him again….even if you got pregnant….”

I could hardly believe I was saying it…but I had a sudden delirious feeling that I wouldn’t be totally devastated if such a thing happened. The child would be the result of the beautiful sexual union between my wife and another man, and would always be a reminder to us of her lover.

“What! I don’t think that will happen…you are being silly…what are you thinking of” she exclaimed.

“That’s something I’ve never told you…..I’ve sometimes had perverse fantasies that you would get impregnated by another man that you’re really attracted to. The thought of his semen shooting up inside you and fertilizing one of your eggs…. I don’t know…it somehow really turns me on ! Don’t ask me why…I’m really kinky!”

“ Well that won’t happen…but he told me he’d like to see me again… tomorrow…. I told him how much you wanted me to have sex with him, so he asked me if I can meet him tomorrow night in town and spend the night with him. I said I’d talk to you. I’d really like to…. the ship goes the next day, and they’re not back for another three weeks.”

Holding the steering wheel with one hand I put my hand between my wife’s legs and felt what I hoped was the stickiness of her lover’s semen still slick on the smooth skin of her inner thighs…. Oh Joy !

“ Just leave his cum on you for me to feel when you come home…”

We didn’t even have sex together when we got home…I felt she’d had “her fill” …and I didn’t push myself onto her to let me enter her when I tried. But I pestered her to tell me everything she had felt while lovemaking with Tony earlier in the night.…and she was remarkably candid …knowing that I’d witnessed most of it anyway. She said Tony was a very experienced lover and that she’d show me some of the things he did with her another time. I told her I wanted to know now…...but she refused my request…leaving me wondering… what new sexual gymnastics had she been introduced to?

Early the following evening I drove my wife into the city and dropped her off at an address where the cruise line had some apartments, and she had dinner with Tony in a fancy restaurant and later spent the whole night with him in bed. I returned home and masturbated…no need for any of the usual stimulation …just the vision of my wife in Tony’s arms, kissing and enjoying his ‘thick cock’. I was conscious that Tony had no difficulty finding women to sleep with, but hoped that he would continue to want to fuck Shirley. I knew that she was a wonderful lover and could make any man …”happy”.

It was not difficult to arrange for Shirley to spend further time alone with Tony whenever the ship was in port, and he did not disappoint us. He was always enthusiastic to meet up with us again each time his vessel returned every three or four weeks. Neither of us wanted Tony to miss out on the pleasures my lovely wife was so eager to provide him with. While they were making love on one occasion, Shirley jokingly told Tony about my fetish of fantasizing about another man impregnating her. He was somewhat flabbergasted … but agreed “he’d love to be the one…if it ever happened”. I don’t think Shirley went off the pill… but I often wondered if she thought about it….

The following year we transferred back to live in Australia, and it “just so happened” that we arranged for Shirley and the children to travel by ship ….Tony’s ship ! This also saved us transport costs for some large items we’d acquired in Singapore. Due to work commitments and delays I had to remain in Singapore for another month and it was only natural that Shirley and Tony would be making love and exploring each other’s bodies aboard the ship, whenever they got the opportunity, and I would be so far away.

Since that time I have believed that I must have strong cuckold tendencies…...I even love that word!

“Uncle Tony” was there to help Shirley entertain our young children and also provide her with a warm bed and stimulating “exercise” every night. I have to be honest and say that I gave my own manhood a most stimulating three or four weeks, as my imagination was constantly in overdrive, driven by phone calls from my wife when she reached Perth and her description of the cruise. It was not difficult for me to fill in the missing pieces, and I thrilled in doing so, as I masturbated myself silly in front of the big bathroom mirror every night.

Male readers of this forum will know that our imaginations involving another man copulating with our own wife, provides us with the strongest sexual releases we are ever likely to experience, and I am no different. It seems, for many of us….there is just nothing to match it for eroticism.!

I believe that she spent most of every night in Tony’s cabin where they made love in every possible way, checking every now and again that the children were OK.

Shirley often tells me, as she approaches orgasm.... “He was so big”, and “can you feel him inside me?” Needless to say I can never resist bursting inside her when she conjures up these images. If Shirley is ever away from home overnight, I find little difficulty masturbating to an intense climax just thinking about the look on her face when she stood up in front of Tony and embraced and kissed him. Women’s eyes seem to get a far-off soft sleepy look when they are ready for copulation with a lover. I conjure up a vision in my mind of the look on her face and her naked body beneath him, as she spread her legs and guided his thick cock into her warm wetness, every time I masturbate…often.

Shirley wrote to Tony several times and got a couple of replies from him, which she has kept, but they eventually lost contact.

To the best of my knowledge Shirley has not had another lover, though I like to think that she may have had a little fling with a good looking younger insurance agent who employed her as a secretary on a part time basis, a year or so later. From what Shirley told me, they were very open with each other in their discussions, and Pete was very much a “player” with women ….who he attracted easily.

Shirley behaved somewhat strangely for a time when she worked for Peter, uncharacteristically refusing to let me make love to her at times… and I like to think that she may have been his little “plaything” for a time.

I continue to dream on… and reminisce about days gone by.


My Fiancee is Hot © said...

Wow those are some seriously interesting experiences. Thank you for sharing them and your perspective. I am starting to slowly understand. I can't say I'm there as of yet. But it is starting to make some sense.

Anyway I hope you guys have a great weekend. We r off to Dublin



Anonymous said...

Thanks for you thoughtful reply to my question. I doubt that the fantasy of a third person/male will ever be a reality. When we were much younger, and after much talk and consideration, we invited a mutual friend into our bed. We thought he was bi and, therefore, a good addition for my bi side and what I thought was her interested having a second man in our bed. We went so far as to all get undressed and even began kissing but it was uncomfortable for all of us. Later that morning, very early, my wife had to leave for a trip with several girlfriends leaving Charlie and I naked in bed. We enjoyed a magical oral sex session. That was over 25 years ago. Of course she still recalls the evening and the events as shared by Charlie and I. Many times over the years she has mentioned that I should have given in to my gay leanings though we still have an active sex life and one which we both enjoy. One lesson we took away from he experience is the knowledge that reality and fantasy are two different matters. We don't have to talk about our fantasies after 30 years because we've discussed and shared our most intimate thoughts. I know she fantasizes about another man and she knows I think about about another bi man whose dick I suck. My fantasy is very close to that of your other writer.
I mentioned that we had successfully introduced a vib-dildo in a sort of suggestive but abstract shape. Today a new toy arrived. A realistic looking dildo that rotates. She loves the vib, I think we'll both like this new toy or, as she likes to call it, our friend.
When I mentioned that I wanted to cultivate the energy to eat her after sex, I didn't mean to imply that she was shorted an orgasm. I get my greatest enjoyment from feeling her body tense in response to an orgasm and the sensation of her whole body arching makes me want to eat her cream filled pussy all the more.

Polyamorous Couple said...


Yes, the lifestyle is something not entered into without a lot serious thought....and discussion with your loved one.

Eve and I believe it requires a significant degree of knowing one another deeply, and establishing a rock solid foundation of love and commitment to each other before even thinking about walking down that path. I say this with the notion in mind that it is about expanding one's sphere of love. This is very much about an emotional experience for Eve and I.

Of course, others engage in this lifestyle from a purely hedonistic and platonic attitude, and that is alright too.

Please send our love to Zea, and give her a big fat kiss for Eve and me.

- Alex

Polyamorous Couple said...


Thanks for coming back to us.
We were wondering what exactly made that first three-some experience uncomfortable.

Your comments fairly indicate that your wife is receptive to the fantasy of opening your relationship. Would she be more willing to make it reality if it were a guy? Some women have the reciprocal fantasy as men, that is, wanting to see their husband with another male. She may also have deeper desires to see an alpha male dominance/ beta male submission scenario.

- Alex

Anonymous said...

Love you site!!!

My wife and I very much enjoy her orgasms as I cleanup my own sugars. I also enjoy her flirting and take great pride in watching her seduce other guys. A few times, I've been really turned on by watching her leave with the other man. This doesn't happen often, but when it does, I'm sure to reward her with lots of oral delights. She means the world to me and is so sexy! I love to see her pleasured and would love to be there as it happens. We've talked about her on all fours, as I watch him enter her. She has done 2-on-1 with others, but I haven't been lucky enough to be there to see it. (Although I was lucky enough to clean her up.)
In our fantasy (mostly mine, but she enjoys it too...) she's licking me on her hands and knees on our bed. While her friend pleasures her sweetness from behind, I move into a 69 position and lick her to orgasm. It hasn't happened yet, but some day, soon. She's so good, I have no doubts that she'll find somebody who will be happy to help us fulfill this fantasy.

Meanwhile, I enjoy just tasting her. In 2008, I've made it my goal that she will orgasm more than me.

Polyamorous Couple said...

Thanks for dropping us a line Bill and Carla. We appreciate your sharing with us. I love the name Carla.

Something you might want to try: have Carla take her lover on all fours, from behind, while you sit facing her. Simply kiss Carla and maintain your kissing while you feel the thrusting motion of her body from her lover with your lips. She can stroke you with her hand to the edge of your orgasm, but not to release. You both can go for a very long time with that arrangement.

Please feel free to dialogue directly with us by email.

I will share your post with Eve in bed this evening.

- Alex

Anonymous said...

Our situation was similar to yours and the first time she did not know I was watching. I got her drinking a couple nights later and i began asking her about her sex with G and she began to open up when she saw howmuchit turned me on. She confessed to me that it had been a longtime since she had a cock that big and I asked how big and she said over 8".Then she said she wanted him more and I said of course and then she confessed that she always liked big cocks. Also that her and her bestfriend S used to have a 3some with a guy who was 9". To date I have shared T's pussy with 4 different guys and probably been there about 50% of them and all of them bigger than my 6". I even came home from work the other day and she had one stud in our jacuzzi tub for suprise for me. I even guided his uncut 8+ boner in her hole and then jacked off and listened to their dirty talk and she begging him to do her harder and then I got to suck his cum right out of her. They left me and went into the shower and I cleaned up. As he left she walked him into our courtyard naked and dropped to her knees and sucked him for about 10 minutes and anyone could have seen them. T came in and gave me a long wet kiss and said you are so good to me, I love you and doesn't his cock feel big and I said it feels huge she said it feels that way in my pussy too! Enjoy, C