We have not really pursued single males, because by and large, what we have seen are guys who are all about their supposed sexual prowess, and nothing about their deportment or expectations on a deeper level of what a three-way relationship means to them. It seems married men are more….polished, than their single counterparts of the same age (30-50); and the single guys below 40 don’t really come knocking on the door of a late forty-/early-fifty-something couple. (As an aside I can also say that where the couples are concerned, the women are by and large better looking than the men). So it is unusual when one comes across a young single guy who conducts himself reasonably well by email, and then blows Angie away with killer photos. Nothing overly graphic, because they mostly show his face, but his abs could serve in an ad for Men’s Health, and the rest of the package…well. Angie has been trying to reel in this young 30-something gentlemen, who can only be described as “Adonis”. He is that good looking. However, the guy is harder to pin down for a get together than the pope. Must be his way of building anticipation. And I wouldn’t doubt he has a string of young beauties hovering around him anyway. We sent him these special pictures. Just to get his attention.

On the matter of photos I want to say that we contemplated for a long time the decision to show our identities on Cuckold Lexicon. Like most everyone else we were worried about being “discovered”. The issue of course is that the "lifestyle" is frowned upon by the majority of societies; and those of us participating, or desiring to participate, in the lifestyle are afraid of the ramifications of having (regular) friends and family learn of our particular predilections. You know how we finally resolved that? We asked ourselves, who would be reading our blog anyway? And if someone we know was to find out about the fact we blog on the matter, what are they going to do about it? It is not like they are going to come running up pointing a finger at us. And we don't think they could even engage in idle gossip with any certainty of first hand knowledge because they would be admitting they looked into our little diary. But, at the risk of putting ourselves out there a bit more, Angie and I have agreed to do a photo montage that will depict the erotic perspective; nothing overtly graphic, because we want this to be artistic far more than pornographic. Eventually I hope that we can repeat this creative process with our lover(s) to show the more fully developed and complex dynamic.
That's a HOT pic of Eve! I can't believe that any Adonis, young or old could resist that!
Thanks Nirvana. Eve will appreciate your sentiments.
Even though the second photo is a bit dated and shows her with longer hair, it wound up on the internet a while ago after someone ripped it off another blog we had going at the time.
Eve's hair is a little shorter now, but she looks the same.
We will, as a matter of putting ourselves out there, show more photos, but in a manner meant to convey our sensuality and sexuality. We are all about that in CL.
Thanks again.
- Alex
Looking forward to those pics, and of course hearing about how things progress with the "candidates" currently being considered. BTW, I'm K who you recently exchanged a few emails with, and your blog is one of the few in which my wife and I have been able to get some real life insights into taking that first step towards sharing her with other men. Hope to have more frequent postings from you though.
Well if we didn't live on the other side of the country you can bet I'd want us in the queue. Regardless I've always thought your well-written and thoughtful posts to be among the best for showing the inner workings of a sharing relationship. The pics make is better, but unlike many blogs that have both, I enjoy your perspective. Thanks for another great post.
Thanks VSKW,
If distance weren't such an obstacle, we'd take you up on the offer! We check in regularly on VSK and enjoy your posts and pics as well.
We have gotten over our fear of showing our indentities now. What ever will be, will be.
If we hadn't fumbled on the 10 yard line we might have had something more to share....but..whatever. The good news is that we will see this very hot couple in about two weeks.
Three other couples have engaged us in steady dialogue with commitments to meet and greet over the next few weeks. But Eve and I are realistic. What ever happens, it is not going to be a one-drink-and-jump-at-the-Quickee Motel. We expect a long "courtship", if and when any chemistry develops. I can say one couple in particular has really caught our interest as of late. However, they are in a committed relationship with another couple, that from what they have shared with us, sounds like nirvana. One day, I hope with their permission, to share a bit of what they have. Just wonderful.
The wild card in all of what is going on right now is Eve's pursuit of "Adonis". After several and lengthy pillow talk sessions we are not sure a single guy thing is truly in the mix, but if it were to get closer to a reality.....we (meaning Eve) would be hard pressed not to see where it would go.
- Alex
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