As time has gone on it has become apparent how difficult it is to keep up with a blog. The demands of work, family, and life in general, leave so little time to write. The difficulty is compounded when the blog is about a lifestyle or other theme of interest that does not necessarily have a continuous stream of interesting events to comment upon. There tends to be a lot of downtime, if our experience represents what others know.
Now some people, if we are to believe what we read in Adult Friend Finder, live something of a Carnival (South American style) but we can not figure if they simply have more mojo than Angie and I, or belong to that group of most fortunate of people: the idle rich. We read the "activity" blogs they participate in with others of like mind...and they are having a Couples Gone Wild gig just about every weekend. Do these folks never work a weekend? Isn't there a child or two that need to be schlepped to some place distant? I suppose I should stop whining, it isn't like we haven't been invited. However, as my comments in an earlier post indicate, we'd rather connect with a couple than wade into a full-on Bacchanalia. It has been an interesting chase thus far; finding the right couple. Lots of connections and near misses, but the momentous occasion of actually sitting down together for drinks and a get-to-know-one-another chat is still in the making. Steady as she goes, I guess.
We wanted to entice our friends in AFF a little bit so we started to add a few photos to an album. One is a particular favorite of mine. Nothing overly racy, but indicative of a theme between Angie and me. We are attempting to do things a little more creatively with the visual media. With a little bit of free time, and the house to ourselves, Angie and I hope to produce our photo/video montage of erotica. We have the thematic concept established, we've experimented with lighting, photo and video techniques, and have evaluated music scores. I am hoping we can produce something we can be proud of, and feel has some value in this blog. It is not easy to do something like a movie production. Our first attempt at simply producing nice photos for an AFF journal taught us how much preparation is required to achieve the right mood and effect in the photo. It will certainly be a greater challenge with video. We definitely don't want to come off with a work that looks and feels like a Please Screw My Wife episode, or Ed Wood "Plan 9 From Outer Space".
I am also looking forward to Angie's next post. I don't know what she is going to write about, but I saw her drafting it the other night. Hmmm. I am really excited to read what she has to say. It has been a while since her last comment. Angie is sort of a reticent author, but she certainly makes good points when she does post.
For now I will use that favorite little photo, and call it my Send Off, as I am now entering a phase of extended business travel and won't have a chance to write to Cuckold Lexicon for a little while.
Kisses to my sweetheart Angie.
Saturday, April 19, 2008
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that was an interesting read and a very sexy photo
Thanks for dropping us a line BD. We keep trying trying to progress our adventure, but are having difficulty.
Things have recently gotten kind of rough for us in the family health department, and we find ourselves pulling back once again to attend to these matters at the expense of exploring new avenues of personal expression.
All things in due time, we guess.
We've stayed close to the goings-on at Cuckold Husband, and continue to enjoy your blog. We too have been hit by crass commercialism, but refuse to give in or let it become a part of our diary.
Stay the course, and take care.
- Eve & Alex
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