Tuesday, April 29, 2008

More from Jon

Eve and Alex,

Thank you for your kind reply...feel free to add my letters to the blog. I agree that the term "bull" is too strong...I've had that sign on my [email account; ed.] as I've developed as the dominant lover in the cuckold world. I have had 3 couples in 5 yrs and I would have to say that 2 of the hubbies enjoyed their submissiveness and my style to the point where they called me "Sir" and even "Master"...totally their choice. One of these cucks I never met...I serviced his beautiful mid 30's wife last summer. I met her weekly either here at my CT home or at a motel near their Newport home. He was a gentleman as I am and always thanked me for the pleasure I gave his lovely wife while he watched their young son at home. Unfortunately they've moved due to his work and we have stopped emailing each other.

My point is that all couples are different and I respect what they want and can handle. I am a total gentleman and truly enjoy the seduction of another man's beautiful wife and the pleasure I give and receive. I admit as an ex pro athlete that my sexual performance is a turn on...it is not easy to bed another man's wife while he watches and the look of awe in the hubby's face is priceless. His acceptance of what has occurred is always interesting. One older spouse literally got between her legs and cleaned up and then licked me dry as well without a word being said...everyone got what they wanted.

I only have an interest for intelligent upscale couples with a beautiful hotwife...the mental chemistry is so much better. I am seeking a special couple here relatively local to eastern CT...NYC to the Boston area is fine. Like you I take my time and get a lot of offers from wannabes as well as people that don't meet my criteria. But when I get my chance at a hotwife that is available and she is what I seek I will give it all I have to have her. Sorry to hear of your family health issues...all things ultimately get better. Mail me back and be well.


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