Saturday, June 7, 2008

As Summer Begins...Doors Open

It is good to be home.

While away in a far off land, I was immersed during the day in business responsibilities that kept my mind focused and off of personal interests. My evening thoughts fixated on Angie and on images of sex with her, and her having sex with others, while I lay in bed. Masturbation has not been a high personal need for me the last two years because of the fact my sex life with Angie has reached new heights upon reconciliation of our marriage and revelation of our deepest desires. But those images drove me to school boy frenzy that could only by assuaged by the interplay of hand and Johnson. The resumption of long awaited love making and our plans for exploring our polyamorous intentions upon my arrival home have been wonderful.

How sweet it is.

Things around the home front have gotten a bit interesting. Our friend, Wilson, of whom I posted some comments last summer, parted ways with his girlfriend Wendy. Now he spends a lot more time with us, and I’ve become much more comfortable with his attentions on Angie. I never thought I would arrive at this point, given our close neighborhood proximity to Wilson and our evolving platonic friendship, but I wouldn’t mind if Angie followed through on her stated intentions of taking him as a lover. Angie and I have explored this subject in detail during pillow talk, and I think this thing is going to become real. I have no doubt he would jump at the chance. On a recent evening we had the opportunity to sit together at our house and share some wine and laughs, and it was clear that a sexual tension is building in him. This is not the first time I have observed him, and understood the double entendre of his running banter with Angie and me. I know that tension is building in Angie.

The giddy talk drifted over to making movies, and it is clear to me Angie and Wilson would be more than willing to star in a visual ménage-montage. The bridge we have to cross is how to handle the transition from platonic friend to "special" friend, without altering what we have to the negative. As I write these thougths Angie is with me and we are sharing our perspectives and reciprocal advice.

Speaking of movies, I have mentioned in a couple of previous posts that Angie and I now have the ability to do our own photo/video montage. The only things that have delayed us are the continuing responsibilities we bear as family members. But we are getting there. I promise to stop talking about it and just do it. It is just that we are going to have to go away from home to do it, because our house has too much traffic. I….know (light bulb goes here)….we’ll use Wilson’s bachelor pad. Honestly, I have got to talk him into installing a hot tub somewhere on his premises. We will post new photos in June of Angie, and maybe of the both of us in playtime mode. Shameless exhibitionism. Later…we bring Wilson in. I am thinking about ‘fessing up and telling him about Cuckold Lexicon. He does not know about our blog, or the fact he has been the subject of some of our posts. I’ve got to think this through. Any advice from our fellow polyamorists?
Our search in AFF has produced a handful of interesting, and interested, couples; as well as one single guy (other the Wilson) in particular that I have mentioned in previous posts. We’re working on “meet and greets” with these couples separately once we get into the latter part of June. One couple is interracial. She is of Mediterranean stock I am guessing, and he is African American. They both look great. Judging by his email correspondence, he is a well educated man. And that counts for a lot. Both are educated, for that matter. We need the mental as well as psychological connection because the attraction for us starts in mind and in the psyche.

The second couple is in fact our #1 choice from a purely physical perspective. We contacted them without any expectation they would accept an invitation, or even pay us any mind. They could have anybody they wanted. Anybody. The fact they are ten plus years younger than us made the prospect of them wanting to meet us all the more implausible. She is beyond smoking hot. There are a few pictures of him that we can not see his face, but he is definitely in shape, and well endowed. So Angie and I were floored this morning when we checked our incoming mail and saw a reply and an invite to meet. We just hope they are real, because this would be a tremendous let down if they turn out to be posers. Our unfortunate experience with AFF is that not all things are what they appear. Hopefully this option turns out to be real and we have that mental connection and chemistry.

Back to the single guys for a moment. The inestimable “Apollo”, of whom I have written about previously, has been challenged by me to step up or shut up. We’re done with cyber banter. If he is real, and is in fact what we have seen in photos….this will be interesting. And I will be happy for Angie. But he has got to “show or go.”

I’ll admit, my alterior motives are to eventually build a tight and close set of about three couples and two single males. If Angie is OK with it…eventually we might add a unicorn or two. However, I am realistic on the odds of pulling this off to everyone’s satisfaction, and in our lifetime. So many variables. The whole STD thing crushes the fantasy a bit, but this is a real issue that has to be broached. I have effectively complicated things for myself by even considering a group thing, because I know I will do everything in my power to make it happen. And to think Angie and I were originally looking for a “monogamous” relationship with another couple (oxymoron, I know, I know!)

Speaking of groups brings me to comment on the new TV series that débuted last night: Swingtown. We were first alerted to it by VSK Witness, who writes the Vanilla Sex Kitten blog that we list to the right as one of our favorites. OK, so the program is really a tarted up Desperate Housewives….and Desperate Husbands. But it made for light titillation, and giggles. We’ll stick with it until we get bored. I wonder if the 70s were any more experimental than what we know here in the new millennia. Hmmm.

I’ve been bugging Angie to post to CL for months now, since I love to read what she sometimes does not vocalize to me directly, and it makes for a better blog here if we have the wife’s perspective.


It has been almost two years now since Alex brought up the notion of a cuckold lifestyle. Although at first I wasn't sure where he was coming from,(naive as I tend to be on such matters) I did open my mind more readily than either one of us thought I would. Maybe because I needed something more in our relationship too. It has been an exciting if not somewhat daunting search finding a male friend for me or a couple that is of the same mind and expectations. Alex and I continue to discuss this lifestyle, the good and the bad that can come from it… and all the “what ifs”! Because of these uncertainties we have taken things very slowly. Ironically, at the time Alex and I first thought of this lifestyle, we also had a new single, successful, eligible neighbor move in next door.


Neither of us was sure if Alex would be comfortable having his neighbor give "attention" to his wife. As time goes on we both have found Wilson to be a very caring and engaging person. Alex and I can feel the sexual tension between the three of us as we occasionally share a bottle of wine on a Saturday night. Each time the tension feels stronger than the last. As we become more serious about our pending interludes this could be a VERY HOT SUMMER!!


bdenied said...

I would not worry too much about a neighbor, at least he is someone you know........just keep it physical and I think things should be ok

Polyamorous Couple said...

Thanks for the advice BD.

Eve and I are both OK with the idea of being a physical thing. But the image of the guy waving at me with a big smile on his face while he mows his lawn next door..after he has been intimate with Eve, somehow wigs me out. It's an awkward image..and weird. But that's the image I get.

The point being there is a distinct advantage if the third party (or fourth, fifth, etc.) can be dismissed when not "needed" and one does not have to contend with social circumstances after the fact.

And therein lies maybe a kernel of another thing I must deal with, because Eve is almost certainly going to become emotionally involved with Wilson.

Initially this was not a problem for me, but studied consideration of that potential condition forces me to truly reconsile what we are thinking about doing.

I don't think I will go wobbly at the knees dwelling on it, and I know Eve won't, but it is a mind worm I have to banish.

- Alex

Bruce said...

Glad to see you guys back at it after being away for some time!

I can empathize with your dilemma there Alex. Without thinking through it very much, I'm not sure I could deal with the potential repercussions of Lettuce playing with a close neighbor. Yes, it's "just sex" to some degree, but like Eve she also needs some type of mental and emotional connection to play with another man.

As you put it, the ability to "dismiss" a person after the fact is much easier when they are miles away and not within the same circle of friends, or schools, or whatever.

I'll be interested to hear how you guys work through this particular scenario.

Polyamorous Couple said...

Thanks for the advice Bacon.

We'll adjust (meaning me), I am sure. Eve has got her engine idling and has no issue. In fact Eve told me to just step aside and dummy up, and she would work things. I am happy for her. We still have to discern if Wilson could make the transition too, in fairness to him.