In our very hot exchanges during love making Angie has more directly expressed what she expects from me when it comes time to participate in her sexual exploration with other lovers. She dropped a bomb on me last night regarding a neighbor with whom we have gotten friendly. She has paid him personal social calls. She went through the scenario of my clean up duties after she fucks him. I'm not surprised that she would fantasize about him. He is a great guy, and they have common interests in things non-sexual. For Angie it is about a lot more than sex. From my perspective, I've noticed his body language when he drops by. Yep, he likes Angie. I should have figured it.
Well, Angie has me learning how to properly clean up her creampies after we make love. Kind of like training camp. Kinky and definitely a mental challenge for me. It is a preamble to coming events. I do it for Angie because this brings her ultimate sexual joy. I came a lot last night because Angie teased me mercilessly while we were out on the town. I had to walk around with a semi. It got painful after a while, and the prostate and vesicles no doubt built some back pressure. When we got home, there was a wildly horny lady to take care of. Cum isn't so bad when it comes from her fountain.
Doing a neighbor can and could be hot. Do you think she will and if she does will he know you know?The thought of him thinking she is cheating is a hot thought for me and one I have hoped my wife might undertake but so far has not.
Actually we spoke about all that when we were out on the town Saturday evening.
Eve and I are in agreement that any lover would have to know that I know. Eve does not want to be perceived as a cheating adultress, and we both would want our playmate(s) to understand this is about a conscious, consensual, lifestyle decision.
As far as choice of lover, here is my thinking: he is a great guy, good personality, and decent. Maybe 15 years younger than me but not as fit as I am. It may seem shallow, but I want Eve's lover(s) to be fit. He's not the greatest looking guy in the world, but for Eve it is about a mental connection first. OK.
But the critical factor is the option of ending the relationship if and when it runs its course, and you can't do that so easily when the lover is next door. Plus, I'm trying to imagine how fucking awkward it would be to see the guy out in his yard, mowing the lawn in his beach shorts and loafers, waving and grinning to me while we're both doing yard work, after I'd eaten my wife's creampie. That he left.
So my advice to Eve is to consider the "disengagement factor" most when thinking about going through with any lover. And consider the "creampie factor" on my behalf.
Thanks for asking BD.
Keep up your blog. We like it a lot. The incident with your wife taking the phone call at dinner was crazy hot.
Thanks, I think from a practical standpoint doing a neighbor is probably not wise. My own wife always says no one too close to home. The rest is just the fantasy part and yes its nice to know that there are those of us who do this with mutual consent and blessings. Again the fantasy of some thinking its cheating is that...a fantasy....for me a hot one but for others not too hot....thats why we are the same yet different when it comes to these alternative lifestyle choices. thanks for you comment on the blog and yes i agree sitting in a restaraunt while she had phone sex was very hot indeed. I enjoy your posts too.
These were the same "thoughts" I had while thinking of my friend at work...The "afterwards"
I have enjoyed your blog having stumbled upon it while searching under the term cuckold. Like yourself I have often had he fantasy of eating my wife after sex and we have recently began playing with a dildo shaped vibrator. I expected my wife to object at first because she plays it so straight but the vibe has become a regular part of our play and she expects it. I also know she fantasizes that it is another penis and that I enjoy sucking it while using it to stimulate her while I suck her clit. Though I often fantasize doing the cream pie, when I cum all my energy is lost. How do I introduce the topic so she invites me to lick her after I cum so I don't have to depend on my own failing energy to make the experience happen?
Dear Anonymous,
I would not have known about your recent comment here, since I don't check back on older posts, but thankfully I have an alert that goes to the email address that Eve and I have specifically for Cuckold Lexicon.
Anyway, let me see if I can help with your question.
You've already introduced the dildo into your bedroom activities with your wife, and she apparently hasn't objected. You didn't mention if she likes the physical pleaure of the vibrator, but I am fairly certain she is enjoying it to a high degree. Licking her while using the vibrator is a great idea because you are stimulating her clit at the same time you are stimulating the deeper regions within her vagina. I don't think there is a woman on the planet that would complain about that.
As far as doing you "own" creampie, I wouldn't worry about asking her. Just do it. Flagging sexual arousal after cumming is common to many men, and something women complain about. That's why it is best to repeatedly alternate intercourse with cunnilingus BEFORE you cum, while you still have that pent up energy. It may not be a creampie from a "lover" you are getting, but the focus should, must, be about YOUR WIFE'S PLEASURE. Staying interested in sex after cumming is going to be your personal effort to continue YOUR WIFE'S PLEASURE. It will not matter to her that you came in her and that you are licking it up, because she is going to be focused on the continuing state of pleasure she is receiving from you. It is really about your commitment to her enjoyment. When she is satisfied, you need to continue the pleasure in a less direct way: simply by cuddling with her. Women LOVE this. I do this for Eve, and I spend considerable time giving her a full body message afterward. Try it with your wife. Make your love making a total experience that is FOR HER, and ABOUT HER. The mental satisfaction you will derive once you cross this mind set is going to be profound.
You can gently ask her how she is feeling during this play time when she is at maximum arousal. You can introduce the idea of eating a real creampie, NOT in terms of what you want, but interms of how your wife may enjoy another way of pleasure. Pleasure with another man. A lot of times this touchy subject is brought up as topic of a dream or fantasy. It need NOT be brought up as a direct "yes" or "no" question. Just a suggestion. Then let it go. You can come back to it as a fantasy role play during your next play time. It is the power of suggestion. You can also progess to hinting about your feelings of seeing your woman with another man. If it is postured in terms of your enjoyment at seeing your wife's liberation to enjoy as much pleasure as she DESERVES, you might find that she will become receptive.
The process is one of overcoming psycological barriers, your own as much as your wife's (as you percieve them...you really don't know what her fantasies are, I bet. Try asking her).
Lastly, if you commit to your wife to her total pleasure during sex, at the price of witholding your own orgasm, and telling her this is what you want to do for her, you might be surprised at what this accomplishes mentally for the both of you. Try it. Then ask her if she would like to be in control of your orgasms. You might be surprised at her response.
That control can extend to her gettign comfortable seeking pleasure in as many ways as she can cope with. (wink)
Good luck!
- Alex
Very well put Alex. I realize this is an old post but I've just recently become aware of your blog myself (thanks for the recent post about us!). As such, I've started reading from the beginning and so far find it fascinating in some of the similarities of our thoughts. However, while we went from 0 to 100 far, far too quickly, you seem to be taking things at a much slower and gradual pace - something we learned to do in retrospect of, shall we say, a "crash."
As for this creampie post itself, I agree wholeheartedly with your insight. The issue that the anonymous commenter and most men in general seem to have is overcoming that physiological sleep/tiredness/libido drop immediately after orgasm. We as men need to learn to push past that mentally (and to some extent, physically) and continue to focus on our partner's pleasure. Once we've done that it's amazing the amount of pleasure we can still give our lover, a creampie devouring session definitely being one of them.
I'm loving your blog and am looking forward to continuing to read it!
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