Saturday, July 14, 2007

Romance under the stars

 Angie and I enjoyed each other's sole company for two days this week, lounging by the waves of the New Hampshire coastline by day, and camping under the stars by evening.

Camping is something new to us. I highly recommend it for anyone who wants to revitalize themselves, or their relationship with another. Quite solitude has a restorative effect. It must be the simplicity and lack of distractions. We lose sight at times just how much the noise of daily life saps the life forces, and how quickly we respond to the energizing input of sun, water, and quiet.

We dodged a storm Friday night. Winds picked up in the early evening as I cooked our meal by fire. It looked dicey as our little three-person tent started to show signs of distress under 25 mph gusts. Thirty minutes later the threat passed and Angie and I enjoyed our meal in our tent with chilled wine. Mmmm. To have a little rain thrumming on the tent during the night would have been nice, but we enjoyed sitting outside later in our fold-out chairs with the glow of a nice camp fire near by. As evening wound down we did not have much to say to each other; maybe some small talk. The peace was better. Near-by campers had low music playing, so we had our entertainment for free. As darkness slowly descended across the sky I found myself looking at Angie and wanting her more than ever. In the last rays of a rose and indigo sky Angie looked marvelous. Her newly minted tan radiated; complimented by the hot pink top she wore. The tight slacks fitted her form beautifully.

Later, in the privacy of our little abode, we shared each other's delights once again.

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