Let’s give him a pseudonym: Wilson.
I’ve noticed, and so hasn’t Angie, that Wilson has become much more cavalier in his interactions with Angie in my presence, and around any number of people at the moment. By interactions I mean dialogue, comments, bodily contact, etc; and though intended playfully or for a laugh, would be considered highly provocative and borderline presumptuous for those of less ribald sense of humor, or libertine views. We’ve no doubt encouraged this more free wheeling comfort level with Wilson because Eve and I have been comfortable exchanging playful sexual commentary between ourselves in his presence, as we have with others with whom we have established some degree of openness. There are limits, however, or else it becomes crude.
At one point early in the evening of this latest party Wilson referred to Angie as his “girlfriend”, in the presence of several people and me. No big deal, men will do that with a female friend they are fond of; and even deliver the cursory peck on the cheek along with the comment.
But more direct comments in the presence of his real girlfriend, who I will call Wendy, while cradling a lifted Angie in his arms, was met with a little bit of irritated humor on Wendy’s part. My riposte to engage Wilson, and play up the moment for laughs to others standing in the circle, was to say we’re all “loving neighbors” who subscribe to “Swingers.com”. I got the laugh, and one-upped Wilson; but everyone’s attention was definitely heightened, as evidenced by raised eyebrows and exchanged glances over the rims of wine glasses.
The underlying motivation for his behavior, I think, is his desire for Angie. Certainly, Angie is desirable, and showed up that evening in a nice outfit that included very sexy red strap high heels. So, it can’t be said we weren’t looking for the attention.

However, from my perspective the “dance” of prospective partners is much more seductive when done with the subtlety and finesse of the gentleman, than with the directness of the caveman.
Wilson is definitely forward isn't he? I feel he put you guys in an awkward situation. "The subtlety and finesse of the gentleman, than with the directness of the caveman" I totally agree with that. I hope u enjoyed the party anyway.
Love the shoes. Very nice.
I think Wilson does not know how to play the Hot Wife game and he stumbled badly, probably looking to see if his brain was responding properly to his gut feeling. Bumblers nevertheless can make for lousy Hot Wife companions.
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