Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Music, Mind, and Body

I found myself in solitude, far from home, engrossed in a work-related project that required concentration and continuous effort. I processed information needed to accomplish the task at hand, but a part of my mind fled to a far off place to indulge in fond memories and flights of fantasy as I listened to music playing somewhere in the distance. It was a song from days of my youth, and my resonance was both physical and psychological. Long ago I learned any task will go that much easier when accompanied by the motivational effects music has on my mind. But I have also known that music, like water, has more profound effects upon my psyche. And it does with Angie. We are kindred in that way.

Image shown: "Blue Note"
by Kathy Mackey
Reprinted by permission

Music is a source of pleasure to us, and it can also serve to enhance the pleasure we receive in other ways. Our sensual nature, like that of all humans, enables us to enjoy pleasure from a variety of vectors. Each vector has its unique source and pathway through our nervous system to the pleasure centers harbored in the deep recesses of our brains. Yet this sensuality is far more than detection of physical stimuli. The emotional and psychological responses we feel to pleasurable experiences, however fleeting, have their metaphor in music: harmony, melody, chord, and tempo. We are inherently responsive to music; therefore we can not help but ride the arc of a soaring crescendo, descend the downward spiral of a requiem, or undulate to the erotic temptation of a funky beat.

Angie and I lay in bed the other night, caressing each other, while listening to an eclectic collection of music playing softly on our bedroom stereo. We welcomed Eros into our chamber.
<> click link to download song
Thoughtful and sublime,
The instrumental
Transports us
To our special island.
A tentative touch
And gentle caress
Unfold the flower of desire.
I lightly kiss your nape,
Barely lighting
Upon your skin.
Pebbles rise,
And I hear you sigh,
Drift along
And far away;
Playing my fingers,
Across your curves,
Arcs and secrets,
I am the musician
Strumming silent chords
Of pleasure.

A gentle turn
Of your body
From our spoon
To unguarded repose,
Reveals succulent breasts
Rising and falling
In time
To your breathing.
White light
Through a darkened night
Lances past
The curtain edge,
To illuminate
The curves and sweep
Of your body.
The moment
And your image
Invite me to reflect
Upon your loveliness.

<> Click link to download song
The succubus cantillates
Lyrics of lascivious intent,
Enticing us to advance
Our exploration.
Melody and chord
Coax us along;
Giving way
To insistent snare
And punctual bass
That compel our rhythm.

Rising tempo,
Stroking and coaxing,
We take full measure
Of each other.
Mouths searching
And hungry;
We nibble lips
And suckle tongues
In open acceptance.

Gently persistent,
We find the levers
Of our passion.
We delight
In exchange
Of favors
From mouth to loin.

The lubricious smoothness
Of your mouth
Brings me to the edge.
Up and down,
Up and down.

Hearts quicken,
Temperatures rise.
You taste
And savor
My nectar.

I feel your delight
To my tongue’s
And flutter
Upon your Mons
Of Venus.
I savor
your musky flavor
As you shiver
In release.

We are here again
And not again.
Transported to a place
And timeless moment.

Your ethereal beauty
in diaphanous array
reflect and radiate
a silver moon.

I am ardent captive,
Enthralled to you.
And you whisper
Of things
To come.
We glide
Hand in hand,
Into the glittering
And warming

He comes to you,
This mysterious lover,
To take you
Again and again.
I accept your kiss
In carnal bliss
And submit
To You


bdenied said...

Now that is an erotic photo

Anonymous said...

That is a cool picture!

My Fiancee is Hot © said...

Although the picture is surreal and beautiful, and truely depicts the essence of your emotion. For me it was the music and the poetry that vividly transported me into your world and deepest emotions. Your love, adoration, and passion towards her are so clear and truely inspiring. You have both grown to symbiotically fuse into an organ of lust, love and passion.

I applaud your love

Polyamorous Couple said...

Thank you all. We are flattered and humbled that you enjoyed the photos, and this very revelatory post.

The best part is reading that someone was transported with us, however briefly, to that special place. If only circumstances allowed that you were located closer, we would seek to bring you there again, further, and personally.

- Alex