Sunday, November 25, 2007

Back from Hiatus

Life’s responsibilities have kept Angie and me from spending time with our blog. Even the sex has kind of dropped off since this past summer, nay, YEAR, when hot trysts were the event du jour. But like all things, it comes and goes in cycles and we know the wave will come again.

Our fellow provocateur, Cuckold Husband, wrote about anklets recently, which is a favorite thing for Eve and me. Especially for me, because the suggestion of this adornment is all about FREEDOM TO EXPLORE AND EXPERIENCE, in my mind. I think we are like most adults past the age of 30; we allow ourselves to get trapped into the cycle of responsibilities, commitments, and “the conventions of the norm”. An anklet signifies the will to break with the norm. If you feel like I do, fishnet stockings convey the same thing. So do spiked high heel shoes.

I wrote in a past entry to Lexicon about the time Angie surprised me in bed by wearing high heels and hiding them under the covers until she had me naked. It was a great way to kick off a fun evening. That little event was topped not too long ago when Angie surprised me in bed once again, but this time with black pointy-spiky shoes and black fish net stockings. The black lacy thong, and shelf bra that elevated her 36Ds added to the temperature in the room. Too bad she didn’t have “Lover” present to unveil this ensemble. I really wanted that for her.
Seeing and feeling my gorgeous woman dressed in such a fashion, and in the top-dominant position, was rather exquisite.

Anyway, things are going to get very busy for me as I have new professional responsibilities that will require a lot more time away from home, traveling around the globe. I will try and convince Eve to contribute more to the blog. Who knows? In my absence maybe she will find interests to occupy her. We’ll end the Thanksgiving Day holiday with a fun movie: Indecent Proposal.


My Fiancee is Hot © said...

I have missed you two. I hope things slow down so that you guys can have more time together. I have been very busy as well. I do not post much these days Just about a picture or two a week. I hope you guys post a bit more soon. U r missed


Polyamorous Couple said...

Thanks M.K.

I read your post this morning as I was sipping my morning coffee and trying to get going for the day.

Life with Eve has been very "vanilla" as of late. But I am not complaining since it is in her company.

We have not posted very frequently in the last couple of months with since our social calendar has not included the of sort of events where there might have been some fun and interesting things to share. Lately, it has been run of the mill soires in the polite company of middle America.

We'll be back soon. Eve and I are glad you are still going with your blog. God those photos are hot.


ZeA said...

I just stopped by to wish you both and your family a wonderful Xmas. May all your wishes come true. Am looking forward to future postings.

Have a great time