Developments between Angie and “J” have apparently stalled as the result of my less than enthusiastic support for his “candidacy” on the basis of his looks. Initially I was willing to say he was/is attractive, but in retrospect my mind’s eye was on his wife “B”. She is, he isn’t.
I know, it’s is shallow and superficial, and over controlling, for me to make this a road block to Angie’s sexual freedom, particularly in light of the fact Angie genuinely liked “J”. He seemed a very decent sort too. I felt she was stepping down in station to a guy that is heavy set and plain in the face, by my standards for male attractiveness. One might ask why I care how he looks as long as Angie is happy with him. If I have an ego problem it is not with the idea that she may have sex with another man who might actually give her a shagging better than me (that has already happened with her past and current lovers), but my ego does get in the way if I feel she is going to get close with someone who looks old enough to be my uncle, even though I probably have several years on him. Just can’t accept it. Too bad, the notion of her getting close to his wife, “B”, for a bi-experimentation really fired my imagination.
So here we are back to square one in trying to find a couple with whom she can explore a FMF thing. We met with “A” and “L” as we said we would in our last post. Immediately after the date we discounted them… primarily on the fact the wife (“L”) seemed almost child-like, and because I couldn’t get past the fact “A” had a bad hair coloring and stood about 5’4” in his shoes. I think he had man-boobs.
There is the reality of this process of searching for platonic lovers. It comes down to physical attraction; like maybe 90%. I have politely declined several couples almost exclusively on the basis of the husband’s appearance (I do the upfront work to screen potential playmates).The wives for the most part looked good; maybe a couple of heavies in there. But the husbands uniformly looked shot. Thick and sagging waste lines, double chins, and in one memorable case…..missing teeth, beard stubble, and a plug of tobacco in the cheek.
And just so no one thinks we are snobs, we’ve recently been kicked to the curb by at least two other couples who felt we were too old, or for having the wrong skin color. OK, fair enough. If we dish it out we have to be able to take it in return.
I have found yet another couple who look sensational, and am waiting to see if they want to go forward and dialogue with Angie in anticipation of possible FMF compatibility. We’ll call them “G” and “L”.
In the meantime Angie reconnected with her second lover, “R”, last night, who has come back into the picture. I guess he gave her a royal railing, which is fine. I got my creampie and seconds. I’ll ask her to tattle a bit here in Lexicon.
Here’s what Angie treated the both of us to:

I don't know why, but that ankle bracelet drives me wild.
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